
Linkedin company sign up
Linkedin company sign up

linkedin company sign up

The number of Black and Latino leaders grew by 35% and 20.3% last year This allows many global users to access the network in their native language. Of the company’s 21,000 employees, more than 19,000 are full-time. Those offices are located in more than 30 cities worldwide, including 10 in the United States. LinkedIn has 36 offices and 21,000 employees Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in 2016, and today, it leads a diversified business with revenues from membership subscriptions, advertising sales, and recruitment solutions under the leadership of Ryan Roslansky. The platform was originally founded by Reid Hoffman, who built the initial version in his living room. LinkedIn officially launched on May 5th, 2003, just nine months before Facebook launched at Harvard.

linkedin company sign up

Ready to dive into the world of LinkedIn marketing? Here are the top general LinkedIn statistics you need to know. Bonus: Download a free guide that shows the 11 tactics Hootsuite’s social media team used to grow their LinkedIn audience from 0 to 278,000 followers.

Linkedin company sign up